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Gunadarma Job Fair

February 5-7, 2024 - PT Global Infotech Solution joint Gunadarma Jobfair in University of Gunadarma Depok. This evet was held regarding with the graduation ceremony of students in Gunadarma University. Since early morning, we can see students enthusiasm with GIS career opportunity. Go check this recap video:

We are also still looking for these positions:

  1. Copywriter & SEO

  2. Design Graphic Freelance

  3. Presales (ATM, CRM, EDC)

  4. Business Analyst

  5. Account Manager/ Sales

  6. Security Engineer

  7. Account Manager

  8. Implementator

  9. Engineer (Cybersecurity, Software)

  10. Presales (Cybersecurity, Software)

  11. Product Manager (Software, Infra, Cybersecurity, Network)

  12. Project Admin

  13. Technical Sales

  14. Product Specialist (Sales Product)

For more info check here and if you are interested email your CV to

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