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How to defend against today’s evolved attacks
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Why Ransomware Isn’t Going Anywhere
Anytime Soon?

Ransomware attacks have continued to dominate headlines, and they’re constantly becoming more sophisticated.

How has ransomware evolved since it was first recognized around 2005? Who is now more vulnerable to these attacks? What are the top recommendations to mitigate and prevent ransomware?

Download the white paper “Surviving Ransomware: What You Need to Know.” compiled by our partner Palo Alto Networks. You’ll discover:
A rundown on ransomware basics
How extortion methods are evolving
How to prepare for and prevent a ransomware attack
Why Cortex® XDR™ is what’s next in containing network, endpoint and cloud threats – all from one console

More About Ransomware


Kenali 5 Kategori Malware dan Kombinasinya!

Malware, kependekan dari "malicious software" atau "perangkat lunak berbahaya," adalah program yang dirancang untuk menyusup ke sistem komputer, handphone, dan jaringan secara ilegal dengan tujuan tertentu. Keberadaan malware dapat membahayakan data pribadi dan penting, mengganggu kinerja device korban, bahkan melumpuhkan seluruh sistem.
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